Wednesday 30 March 2011

Guerrilla Advertising

we where tasked to create and gurrilla advertising campaign over the last few weeks to promote the college this taks was help us think outside usual comfined ideas. i however was not able to think of any ideas that sparked therefore i took the first idea that came to my head. i feel that this project will be a learning oppunitity because i have realised a weakness in my self that otherwise might have gone un noticed until later in my career. when i did come up with an idea there where two. One to create a range of cardboard cut outs of paint brushes and place them over pole shaped objects. The second was to get flags which sound very boring and un orginal and place them in places that u would usaully expect. such as being draped over the side of the mall as you drive in from north hill. This i thought wouldnt be a strong idea however in the diccusion task create alot of involvement and helped carry them disscussion on. Our presentations in groups worked extremely well and we all had well thought of ideas and gathered many helpful critisism.

I feel the making of a guerrilla advertisment campaign is seriously under thought of as a difficult task because i went in thinking it would be so easy and it turned out to be one of the most difficult projects of the course so far.

Monday 14 February 2011

Lateral Thinking 2

the lateral thinking task was to help us branch out with ideas and think in different ways than other people and get a orignal twist of ideas or situation that others wouldnt of thought of. this was very difficult to get your head round at first but then afterward we started to have crazy ways of solving the task.
Match stick pryimid out 10 sticks and then move 3 sticks to reverse the pryimid.

Lateral Thinking

we where given 24 match sticks and were told to remove 8 to create 2 squares that didnt touche
this is how it is done.

Image and Word association

The Task was to create a image aid to do in the style Catch Phase.
to do this we where given a Proverb.
"A Stitch in time Saves 9"
This means "work now saves time later"

We decided to protray using a grandfather clock and a CD as the pendulum using a needle as the hands of a clock.

Name Representation

today we where given the task of representing our names using images with text association. my name is Connor Alexander Stephens therefore i researched meanings of my names however only picked Connor and Alexander to represent.
The name Connor means Strong Willed, Wise, Hound Lover. which is suprising because i really like dogs and have been told i have a strong will. the wise aspect i am not so sure about yet.
Alexander means Warrior or Mans Defender this is also very surprising because i fight in a re-enactment therefore am a warrior in my group. and i also go out of my way to defend my friends through out my life.

i Created wings to give the sense of strong willed and wise being such as angels. then placed a shield in the middle to show my defending qualities. I was gonna have swords crossed through the image and then decided to create my name using swords. i feel this task worked well and that i have actually learnt alot from the meanings of my name

Monday 7 February 2011

Great EGG Drop

Today we where given the task to drop an egg of a first story second and third and see if we can make the egg survive.  we where given 6 drinking straw and a roll of masking tape. this task was diffcult because you get a very blande idea of rules therefore you get stuck into a very basic way of thinking.
Our group decided to make a parachute using the straws and suspend the egg using tape underneath the chute.
Our chute worked a little it slowed our egg down to safety from the first and second story however when the third hit the railing due to wind and that was our eggs ultimate down fall.

to get our basic idea we brainstormed ways to create drag and therefore slow the egg down.  then sketched our parachute ideas and used our materails to mock out what we where going to make it like and the best ways to do it.
Our group got on with the task at hand very well and had many ideas to add to our disscussions

Word Association

Our Task was to use word Association to get ideas generating in our heads and make us more capable to come up with ideas.
Deformed Demon BIO
Tormented in the underworld for being useless this demons crippled wing has prevented him from taking his right full place as head guardian.
His torrent of anger, flame and hatred will raise his powers beyond belief he glides around the underworld looking for demons more pathetic than himself so that he can one day grow his deformed his wing into strength
Being a weak demon he has scared of other but never willing to show it. Confused individual therefore creating a complex inner being his previous life means he still feels mortal emotions even though he doesn’t have a solid form to show them.
His weaknesses would be everything Good and Light. He cannot feel happiness else his dark hatred will fade and he could possibly be taken to heaven for being too pure.

Demonic Diamond BIO
This demonic diamond is pure evil in a childish way he flies around all day playing pranks and messing with things generally creating chaos without violence.  His burning red eyes seen from the darkness as he watching the havoc he has made. Very sneaky and glides over the floor silently
His Weakness would be cold water due the fact that he is a flaming hot diamond and therefore the temperature change would cause him to shatter ending his.


For our first part of ideas and concepts Unit we where the given the task to create a new Xbox game idea and design characters for it to give a presentation. This covered many criteria in our brief therefore was quite an important mini project for us.
With my Group of AJ, Jodie and Adam we came up with an idea to create and game that goes against most other games in the fantasy market of gaming. This was a very fun task and our group but a great deal of detail into the design aspect with me writing and three page intro to the game and layout with spells and other important things to be involved. AJ and Jodie worked very hard on designing our character for our cover and other aspect of the presentation.
Overall with all the work our group did we had a very strong concept and knew our game this made our presentation very flowing and easy to put to the audience. We all spoke very confidently and were prepared for any questions that mite of been brought up by our class.
This project was very helpful as I learnt how to lead a group toward a deadline effectively without causes stress on any party member I felt that I handled the task well and I would very much like to do another task along these lines because it gave me a chance to express myself in more that just art I was able to express my love for writing stories and use it for a purpose in this course which I didn’t expect.

Monday 24 January 2011

General Game Info

The idea of our game was a simple concept to come up with we had to do mind mapping in groups with the class which didnt help our group however when we got together and just spoke about games we liked we started rolling the ideas about this game and eventaully we aggreed that this is the way we wanted to go. we all contributed to ideas in our own way like when ever we returned to the lesson we had new imputs to give. this was in the form of new powers maybe things we didnt take into consideration before.
We realised once we had completed our overview that we had not decided certain aspects. Such as when you die or complete the game.
Completing the Game.
After advancing your powers to ultimate demonic power you activate the mission to face the God of this new world.
If you are defeated by the Hordes of Good that stand against you in your crusade you get spawned back in the sanctuary that your mysterious Guardian took you in the beginning. However if you’re in a mission it will Save the progress you made towards that mission until you died.

Weapons in the game come in many forms and you can upgrade them as you like.
You can pick from using.
A Spear
A Sword
Duel Wielding Axes
A Scythe
Weapons can be stored in your Sanctuary if you chose to change how you carve through the Angels
Basic inter will consist of Heal Bar in top left with his Demonic Power bar is underneath.
Top Right  corner will have your mini map on to show your position and mark were important things are such as Enemy units or Missions and will always have a Marker to your sanctuary.

Xbox Cover

I Created a Xbox Cover for our Game using our Character Portrait that AJ Designed. I Felt that to present our porject with ease we would need image help to create images in our audiences minds

Xbox Task

I was given a Task to creat an Xbox game in the Age range of 11-19 working With Adam AJ and Jodie we decided to create a game where you are demonic Crusader trying to destory this perfectly good world and create a Hellish Utopia.

Xbox Game Brief Over View

You have endured the corruption of empires. Sat back and watched on the line between good and evil now as the forces of good seek to complete eradicate Evil. It’s time for you to take up your arms and advance your Dark Powers in the destruction of this perfect world. Your Goal is to keep the balance between the sides…….if you do choose too. On the other hand take your demonic fist and crush this world into the darkened fires of evil and create your own perfect hell.
You Fade into a Scene of Chaos. People running screaming. It’s begun the Legions of the light advance like a swarm upon the city seeking anyone with evil flowing through the veins.  A Flaming Hand Grabs you and screams run.
You Awake Feeling Tattered And Torn. Blurred Vision. What happened eludes your mind and you have lost all sense of your being. Your skin burns your vision becoming clearer shows you’re in the Dark sanctuary of a crypt. A Liquid surrounds your broken body.
-What has happened-
Staggering off this tomb your body screams in protest. This liquid was once your life source now as your flesh falls from your arm and is replaced with burning embers. It dawns.
This is your Hour.
Starting out
With questions flying through your head your characters will stagger until you talk to your flaming guardian. He gives you updates of the situation and vitals such as map. The first bit of the game will be very basic training with combo training and general control training against this Guardian. Once you complete all of the tasks laid out for you. Your Demonic powers are yours to toy with as you will. As you leave the crypt you get your first look at where you are without the chaos. Days must of past since the Light Legion decimated the evil in the city before you. Beacons of pure light Flow through Towering building as if a higher power made this city to be a temple of all things light. All darkness is beyond your sense as if you’re the last of your kind.
Or so it would seem.
With your new strength you and control over your new strength you can use them in whatever way you see fit . Story lines will be activated once you have evolved your powers enough to take on the challenges you will faces in these missions.

Your devotion to the darkness of the world has given you many powers however some will remained locked until you seek them. The increase in your being has made you superior to the minor human race in every way.
Speed – As the travelling between making chaos can be tedious Darkness has given to you super speed.
Grace- for when you want to toy with your prey, you feel lighter than a feather no obstacle cannot be balanced on. Blow dodged if you master the moves to do so.
Strength- What good is being a demon without being able to punch through impossible object to the minor humans. (Unbreakable Items- such as important story line items e.g. Buildings)
Fitness-  your new being allows you take punishment of which never experienced in your mortal being. Although there is always a limit….

Xbox Game Brief Over View

Your powers need focus which element will be your weapon. Your Dark deeds can be done with more than just physical things alone. Take ultimate control of your powers and bring even an Element into your complete control. Changes your element will change which power flows through your being. (Colour of Veins change and added extras. Jodie and AJ get control of that)
Fire – Increased Attack power, unleash balls of flame and can flood the ground with lava.

Wind  - Can activated a wind barrier for a limited amount of time to push small enemies back, can shoot a stream of wind and can activate small gusts of winds with your mind.

Ice – Can shoot a beam of ice to freeze, can freeze water by touching it with your feet and can cause a blizzard storm.

Lightning – Concentrate to cause a huge bolt of lightning to crash down to the earth, can grab enemies by the throat and shoot thousands of volts through their body and can fire lightning bolts in all directions.Water – Speeds quickens, you can turn into water and wrap yourself around an enemy to drown them, you can fire a stream of water.
Darkness – Works well with your stealth, slightly increases the time, you can also hide in shadows for full stealth but you cannot move, also you can shoot a stream of darkness which can blind enemies.
Unlock able powers
Mind Convert
Convert up to a maximum of five minds over to your demonic ways and raise hell using your strength as a combine unit – when they die simple convert more – the chaos never ends ……..
Your demonic  wings burst from your back to take to the skies completely travel form however dropping onto enemies is possible.
Demonic Shroud
Fade from view of enemies to create Stealth killing available ( limit time only) one hit kill one enemy.
Regain your lost Demonic power Over a short time

Monday 17 January 2011

Research Summary

A brief list of the common factors we found that the Class were drawn to when doing this advert research task over the holiday. This task involved research Advert that we see everywhere that appeal to us and that we think is a good concept and successful adverts.

Visual Impact
Classic High Quality Photography
contrasting Use of Colour and Highlights

Use of known music tracks
Catchy Jingles
Repetitives Phrases
Shock Value "Cactus Dummy"
Use you strong branding identity
Crazy Ideas
Surreal Images
Clever, Skillful Craftmanship
Lifestyle Adverts
Use of Celebrities

Friday 7 January 2011

Magazine Adverts

I don’t really read magazines I have never really taken and interest in many of them but I can name three that draw my attention and I have read a few times however as magazines go I haven’t got very much knowledge on what makes a good magazine. I really like the composition on each on these magazines they instantly drag your eye to them if you like the style of things they advertise and sell.

Web banners

A web banner is a form of advertisement on the world wide web. This form of online advertising is basically linking a banner into a web page. It is intened to attract views on a site. they are bright and draw your eye into the centre completely focusing you on the image of the game logo.
I found a few web banners that I liked and that have actually worked on me to play the games the advertise in fact the World of War craft is a game I have been playing for five years. The web banners work really well because they draw the attention and interest of the viewer.

Guerilla Advertisement

Guerrilla advertisement is a very interesting concept that we have been subjected countless times probably without actually realising. Guerrilla Advertisement was created to use unconventional ways of promoting things. It is designed to rely on Effort, Energy and Imagination without the high market budget. Any unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources is a form of Guerrilla advertising.

I found a few examples of Guerrilla advertisements that made me laugh and I thought were very creative and drew a lot of attention to them selves even though some of them and from big brand name companies.
i cant imagine how much design work went into each project.