Wednesday 30 March 2011

Guerrilla Advertising

we where tasked to create and gurrilla advertising campaign over the last few weeks to promote the college this taks was help us think outside usual comfined ideas. i however was not able to think of any ideas that sparked therefore i took the first idea that came to my head. i feel that this project will be a learning oppunitity because i have realised a weakness in my self that otherwise might have gone un noticed until later in my career. when i did come up with an idea there where two. One to create a range of cardboard cut outs of paint brushes and place them over pole shaped objects. The second was to get flags which sound very boring and un orginal and place them in places that u would usaully expect. such as being draped over the side of the mall as you drive in from north hill. This i thought wouldnt be a strong idea however in the diccusion task create alot of involvement and helped carry them disscussion on. Our presentations in groups worked extremely well and we all had well thought of ideas and gathered many helpful critisism.

I feel the making of a guerrilla advertisment campaign is seriously under thought of as a difficult task because i went in thinking it would be so easy and it turned out to be one of the most difficult projects of the course so far.